Containers for Change

East Fremantle Primary School has joined the Containers for Change scheme. This is an exciting opportunity to raise funds for the school, as well as showing commitment to the environment and encouraging better recycling behaviours in the community. 

You can help by either depositing eligible containers to our BINS –  located at the Forrest Street entrance and the undercover area, or using our scheme ID number when depositing at any of the four refund point depots across the Perth metropolitan area. 


Most aluminium, glass, plastic, steel and liquid paperboard drink containers between 150ml and 3L are eligible for a refund.

There are some drink containers that are not eligible for a refund. Generally, excluded containers are those that are less than 150ml and greater than 3L.








For more information about Containers for Change go to Containers for Change Website

Our scheme ID is C10284065. Use the following QR Code to donate your takings to our school. Click here to find a collection point near you.